Saturday, January 26, 2013

Off the Grid

by P. J. Tracy

I'd rather erase the memory of this book off my brain and pretend it never exists in this once terrific series. It's very over the top and inconsistent in many parts. One major character is offed in this book, but his/her death receives a page or so, while they give a chapter to each of the two other deaths of very relatively inconsequential characters. I consider myself very open-minded politically as I am usually able to enjoy books laced with agenda from any political stripes - right or left. But, this book paints the picture a bit too radical and too black-and-white in my view for a very complicated issue it wants to present. Onto character development, I used to be annoyed with one particular character in the previous book who seems to be flirting with Leo. I was all for Grace and Leo like so many others. Now, I want him to just go and be happy with someone else, anyone, really. Six books and she doesn't get better. She doesn't even care about your feeling. Time to move on, dude.


Read it yourself.