Saturday, January 26, 2013

On Thin Ice

by Anne Stuart

One of the most, if not THE most, sensible heroine from the pen of Anne Stuart. Although, I find the author a little bit heavy-handed in pointing out to us (more like shouting out) how sensible and smart Elizabeth is. So you are going to find her thought goes like "I'm not going to cry because that wouldn't help anything." or "I'm not going be hysteric eventhough I'm gonna get brutally raped and killed in the next minute because well...that wouldn't help anything either" throughout the whole book. I would appreciate this book more if the author let us judge the characters from their actions for ourselves because she sure doesn't have anything to worry at all with leads like Finn and Elizabeth. Apart, they are both great and super likeable. Together, they are off the chart fantastic with sharp and often-time funny dialogues and sizzling chemistry. Despite that being said and some far-fetched plot points, On Thin Ice is a great addtion to the Ice series.


Read it yourself.