Saturday, January 26, 2013


by Laura Griffin

The ending dimishes my grading of this book from excellent to mearly good. Total opposite of Snapped, Griffin's previous outing, Twisted works well in romance department, but the suspense plot is a bit old and tired. The heroine, Allison, is a minor character in Snapped, and I liked her until maybe half-way point in this book after she commited mistake after mistake with no sign of learning. Spunky she is. Stubborn she's plenty. Smart she's not. That brings me to my complaint about the ending when she made the ultimate bonehead decision which also dragged down my favorite character, the hero, to do something desperate and out of character just (I guess) for the author to show us readers he loves her.

Well, Twisted should be a three, but I still give it a four because I love love love Griffin's writing style and her quiet, older heroes in particular. The seduction scenes which are pretty darn hot help tip the scale too.


Read it yourself.