I've never been enthralled by Milan's work...until now. Not that she's not a good writer. She is, a very good one. I admire how she tries to break out of the old tropes, the cliches of historical romance. But never did I find her stories thrilling or memorable because of the effort. Yes, I sense her effort and that's kind of pulling me back from the story. One good sign though that's been a trend in all her books from the start, she gets better and better. That's why I still pick up all her books even though she's never my favorite. The Governess Affair changes all that (and then some). This is a short love story done to perfection. Rarely did I give a novella this high grade. The story is a prelude to a series to come and dang....what a start this is. I'm not giving away any of the plot here because it's a short one and I want you to read. To experience the thrill I had.
Ms. Milan, meet your new fan.
Read it yourself.