Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Chocolate Thief

by Laura Florand

Very cute story that would make you salivating while chuckling. A backdrop of Paris in winter sure couldn't hurt. Good dialogues. Genuine chemistry. Likeable characters. The author also has a sense that I find quite rare when it comes to authors in this genre. A sense to know when should be enough of love making detailed description and how to manage a right balance between love and lust in the main courtship. I've found myself throw away many books half way through without being able to finish because of their bed scenes that seem to go on and on and on. Sometimes I can't even tell anymore after going through those neverending intercourses if the subjects are rabbits or humans.

The way the pacing in this book is handled is about right. I'll certainly be on the look out for the name Laura Florand next time I hit the store.


Read it yourself.